5 Amazing Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a flowering plant that belongs to the daisy plant family. It is also known as Mary thistle or holy thistle.
Different parts of milk thistle are used for the treatment of various health conditions. Here is a list of the most amazing health benefits you can get by adding milk thistle to your dietary regime.
Health benefits of milk thistle
Milk thistle liver support
The most common use of milk thistle is to support liver health. Milk thistle has an active ingredient, silymarin, which acts as an antioxidant and reduces the production of free radicals. It creates a detoxifying effect that is beneficial to treat the liver problem.
Elevate skin health
Milk thistle improves inflammation of the skin. It has antioxidant and anti-aging properties that rejuvenate the skin cells. It is antiglycation, which combats the aging reaction in your skin between sugar and protein. Milk thistle can counter rashes and other skin allergies.
Support diabetes management
Milk thistle extract reduces insulin resistance. Insulin resistance increases the problem for patients with Type 2 diabetes. Thus reducing insulin resistance, milk thistle plays an important role in diabetes management.
Weight loss
Silymarin in milk thistle helps in weight reduction. It has the ability to improve body composition and reduce fat. Therefore, milk thistle is beneficial for those who are looking for weight management options. People with obese conditions must-try natural milk thistle extract as it not only burns fat but also helps with digestion problems.
Immunity booster
Milk thistle helps to strengthen the immune system and help them fight infection.
A study found that milk thistle extract has a positive effect on the immune system of humans.
These are some most common health benefits of milk thistle. But there also some other potential health benefits of milk thistle, like:
- cirrhosis
- jaundice
- hepatitis
- gallbladder disorders
- Lowering cholesterol levels
- Bone health