Most Common Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common problem faced by people. Every year around 8.1 million people visit doctors with this problem.
Anything that carries bacteria to the urethra can cause UTI. The bacterias from the genitals, vagina, and anal get carried into the urethra and cause infection in the lower urinary tract; bladder, urethra, and kidney. So even though UTI is a common infection, one needs to take it seriously.
UTI can be diagnosed through symptoms and urine tests. The lining of the urinating tract becomes red, swollen, and irritated. It can be treated with cystitis pills.
It is important to do early diagnosis and start the dose of cystitis & UTI support tablets.
Common Symptoms of UTI
Frequent strong urge to urinate
One of the most common symptoms of UTI is the frequent and strong urge to urinate even after you peed a few minutes before. It is more than usual during the night.
You urge to pee suddenly and urgently with urinary incontinence (urine leakage). The urine passage is frequent but in small amounts. In some cases, people suffer burning sensations or pain during peeing.
Cloudy urination
If you are observing a cloudy appearance of urine, it is a strong indication of urinary tract infection. Sometimes you may also observe foul or strong smells in urine.
Blood in urine
The urine may appear red, brown, or cola-colored. It is the sign of the presence of blood in the urine.
Pelvic pain
Women might feel pain in the center of the pelvis and area around the pubic bone. They may also feel pressure in the lower pelvis while urinating.
Muscle and abdominal pain
Muscle ache and pain in the lower abdominal, back, and under the ribs are also signs of UTI.
Nausea and vomiting
One may feel lightheaded and dizzy due to low blood pressure. Severe infection may cause muscle weakness and frequent vomiting sensation.
UTI may cause a rise in body temperature to 100 degrees. You may feel hot and shivery.
Pain during sex
People who suffer from UTI feel excessive pain during sexual intercourse. So if you experience pain during sex, it might be due to a UTI condition.
People of any age or sex may get urinary tract infections. So it is important to understand the symptoms and cure them with D-Mannose & Cranberry, Cystitis pills- the strongest legal supplement. These easy-to-swallow pills will help you prevent and manage UTI with ease - more details here.